Okay, I have a lot of thoughts regarding the quarantine, but I’m not going to write about them here. Instead, I’ll just say that a few good things have come out of it.

  • First, I had several performances cancelled. No, that’s not actually a good thing in itself, but the result was incredible: I suddenly had time! Time for my family, and maybe just not be on the run-constantly. Maybe I could get used to this.

  • Second, while school was more challenging to teach online, and took quite a bit more preparation time and I scrambled to make it work, the new paradigm-shift taught me a lot about patience, directing group projects, and about teaching in general. I am now full of fresh ideas for the fall and am excited to prepare over the summer.

  • Third, being quarantined at home made me a bit stir-crazy and, as an outlet, I’ve been pursuing several new mini-courses online, including illustration and motion design. (Yay Domestika.com)

Anyway, I have concerns for how this whole covid thing will turn out and I know a lot of people have been affected in many profound ways. For me, I’m trying to make the best of a bad situation. I hope you are too. Blessings.

AuthorJesse Rademacher