Lately I've been thinking a lot about passion. What drives me?

I think I'm a pretty unconventional sort of guy--if I see something I want to do, I dive in. New languages, new artforms, new disciplines. I try a lot of things. I commit to a lot of things. Sort of.

The real trouble is committing fully. It's resistance--the thing that tries to keep me from moving. It takes a lot to commit fully to anything. But that's what I'm trying to do. My life is sometimes slippery and there's a lot going on and it's easy to just let things slide or chase after the next shiny thing. Or, to just languish in shallowness; that's a lot easier.

But now I'm closing in on a few exciting things and I want to give it my all. Push the product through to completion, make the performance the BEST I can make it, push beyond what I think I can achieve.

For me, this isn't mere motivational hoodoo. It's a commitment to myself to not be content with always simmering and never serving. Balance is also a calling--and an important one. But even with the calling comes a summons: Rise up against resistance and conquer or forever wonder what might have been.

AuthorJesse Rademacher